How to reduce stress hormones: 5 ways to lower cortisol levels

According to a survey from the American Psychological Association, Americans are more stressed than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on America’s collective mental health, and issues such as climate change, inflation and racial inequality have contributed to increased stress across the nation. And stress doesn’t only impact mental health; Cortisol, a hormone associated…

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Integrated health care and coverage that optimizes workforce health

Fewer than half of Americans believe the country’s health care is properly managed, according to a 2022 poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.1 Navigating the U.S. medical system can be challenging for many.  There’s a better way to deliver improved health care and health outcomes in Colorado. Kaiser Permanente does so with a…

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Your Grandmother’s Wisdom Still Protects You

By Dawn DiPrince, CEO of History Colorado For me, history is not so much about textbooks and timelines but about ancestors and grandmothers. I have a photo in my kitchen of my Grandma Lena, her four sisters, and their mother. My great-grandmother Bettina Trapaglia, who became Bertha Masterstefano when she married and immigrated to America,…

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The Burn Ointment: Creating a Sense of Belonging as a Solution

by Dr. Denise L. Caleb and Dr. Beth Kaplan  Throughout this summer series, the goal is to Beat the Burnout. You have learned about how the slow development of “quiet quitting” can push women into silence without support, leading to scar tissue and resulting in “third-degree burns.” If you have remained with us through the…

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