Guest Author Articles
Maximizing Your Video Investment
By Naomi Binkley, Co-Founder, Fireside Production One of the most important elements of successful video production is developing a well-rounded strategy for getting your video in front of viewers. You want to make sure your video is working for you. Fireside Production is always looking for ways to help our clients maximize their production investments. …
Read MoreUsing YouTube for Business Findability
By Heather Lutze, CEO Findability Group Search Marketing and CWCC member The unending popularity of video and video marketing surely is one of the major phenomena of our times. Starting back in the 80s with the launch of MTV, this form of communication has blown sky high with the advent of YouTube, the affordable video…
Read MoreCost-Effectiveness of the Cloud
By Bryant Hill, President Harper Communication As stated before in our previous blog on the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce website, “the cloud” is simply a metaphor for the internet. Therefore, all services that a company receives from the cloud originate from a site not at the customer’s location, but are received at the customer’s…
Read MoreWorking Backwards
By Katie B. Smith, Executive Coach and CWCC Member One thing I see over and over with small business owners is that they don’t start with the goal in mind. In order for us to create the revenue, customers, products, and growth for our businesses, we have to envision how we want it to look…
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