Gov. Ritter announces opposition to Amendment 46

Gov. Ritter announced his opposition to Amendment 46 during a press conference at the Capitol today.  Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce’s CEO Donna Evans also attended the press conference.  The CWCC is just one of many groups including the Metro Chamber of Commerce, the Minority and Women’s Chamber Coalition, and the Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native American Chambers that oppose Amendment 46 because passage of the amendment will eliminate: 

  • Programs that help women achieve equal pay for work
  • Educational scholarships and financial aid for women and minorities
  • State and local government’s ability to decide their hiring and contracting policies
  • Housing and lending programs that make sure women and minorities are treated fairly without discrimination when applying for home loans and mortgages

The CWCC is hosting a Business Crushing and Anti-equal Opportunity Amendment – Just Say NO! Ballot Overview from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. on Oct. 7 at the Hyatt Convention Center to discuss Amendment 46 and other anti-business initiatives.  The event is free, but you must RSVP at  To find out more on Amendment 46, visit

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