Welcome, Candace Strother!

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Please join us in welcoming, Candace Strother, the new Membership Engagement Manager for the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce!

Candace comes to CWCC as a passionate advocate for women, but also as a business owner herself! She has diverse experience in communications and community engagement, nonprofit leadership, business and community partnerships, business ownership, and social impact.

As CWCC’s Membership Engagement Coordinator, Candace is dedicated to supporting our mission by fostering intentional and meaningful relationships with our members. She says her goal is to create opportunities that enable our members to form strong connections with our mission of elevating women in business.

We asked her a few questions to help CWCC members get to know Candace a bit better

What about the CWCC makes you smile? Why are you passionate about advancing women in business? 

CWCC has a vibrant community, filled with brilliant members who are deeply committed to elevating women in business. We pride ourselves on being personable and genuinely dedicated to supporting each member’s journey to success.  

What is something we’d be surprised to learn about you? 

I practice meditation daily and it has really helped me become more grounded and work through anxiety. I’m also an avid traveler.

Who do you credit with helping you along your way or changing your life trajectory for the better? 

My mother has been an example of resilience and has encouraged me through my most challenging life moments. 

What do you like to do in your non-working life? 

I love to be surrounded by nature and attend concerts. Live music speaks to my soul.  

How has your identity shaped your life and career? 

Being the Founder and CEO of QueenLyfe Inc. has pushed me beyond my comfort zone and taught me that self-love is the cornerstone of all relationships and career success. Without this foundation, it is challenging to flourish both personally and professionally.  

Complete these sentences

  • In another life, I’m pretty sure I was a rap artist or a bass guitar player!
  • If I could invent a holiday, it would definitely involve a day of mandatory self-care! Meditation, massages, rest, therapy all the things focused on inner healing.  

Please reach out to officially welcome Candace Strother to the community!

You can contact her to explore your member benefits, get re-engaged with the CWCC, for help with your member portal account, to renew your membership, get connected with CommUnity, or if you need help on your own spiritual journey!

Candace Strother, CWCC Membership Engagement Manager

Connect with Candace on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clstrother/

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