Marin Alsop Encourages Audience to “Persevere, Stick to Your Guns, and Give Back” at CWCC Downtown Luncheon

By Amy Smith, Public Relations and Communications Specialist

Holiday cheer filled the atmosphere at Maggiano’s as guests mingled, chatted, and awaited an inspiring presentation by Marin Alsop, Conductor Laureate of the Colorado Symphony and founder of the Concordia Orchestra.

If you know anything about Alsop, you are aware that her accomplishments as a conductor are lengthy and impressive, but that’s not what she talked about. Upon taking the podium, she shared personal stories of her music-centered upbringing and subsequent entrepreneurial challenges. As a child, she practiced and mastered a number of instruments including the violin, then she realized where her true passion lied: conducting.

Alsop also recounted the rush of uncertainty and confusion that she had to conquer in order to form an orchestra. She was able to do this through the mentorship of a gentleman she met in 1984, by the name of Tomio Taki. While Taki lacked interest in symphonic music, he willingly facilitated and guided Alsop as she founded the Concordia Orchestra. His business counsel, according to Alsop, “was a turning point in my quest”.

After years of growth and success, Alsop developed the Taki Concordia Fellowship in 2002 out of a desire to emulate Mr. Taki’s lifelong commitment to mentoring young talent and exemplifying the entrepreneurial spirit needed to succeed. Alsop also spoke about OrchKids—an after school life enrichment and music education program that she started for young, inner-city children in Baltimore. The program seeks to connect children to their passion and widen their perceived range of possibility.

Through countless years of experience, Alsop advised guests to consider how to take a core business and adapt it to a changing society. She also reminded us of the importance of never giving up, remaining steadfast in our entrepreneurial goals, and using our talent and expertise to give back to society.

If you’d like to see Alsop in action and meet the 2011 Taki Concordia Fellows, join us for Orchestrating Leadership on January 6, 2011. This special event supports the Taki Concordia Fellowship and includes a “behind the scenes” glimpse of the Colorado Symphony with Marin Alsop tutoring the recipients of the Fellowship in a private rehearsal.  A luncheon follows the dress rehearsal where guests have the opportunity to interact with Alsop and the recipient.

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