Events & Programs
Learn, Connect, and Celebrate with CWCC Join us for more than 100 events and programs the CWCC hosts every year.
These are opportunities for members to connect with each other, gain in-demand knowledge and skills, and celebrate all of the incredible ways women and local businesses are redefining work in Colorado.
CWCC members get discounted or free member rates to events and programs.
State of Women in Business
Evaluating the state of workforce data, advancement, and pay equity for all women.
Top 25 Most Powerful Women in Business
Honoring the achievements of extraordinary women in business in the community.
ATHENA Leadership Awards Reception
Annual celebration of one outstanding Colorado woman.
Peer Groups
Resource sharing, referrals, workshops, and seminars to help you succeed.
Powerful Voices Conversation Series
Leaders share inspirational stories of perseverance and vulnerability.
CWCC Mentorship Program
Small group mentoring for senior leaders looking to advance into the C-Suite.
Women's Leadership Lab
Development for emerging leaders to lead and influence and gain skills to advance.
CWCC Signature Events

FEBRUARY 27, 2025
State of Women in Business
As women in business, we have come so far; but this event recognizes there is still a lot of work to be done. Women still hold only a paltry percentage of CEO positions, women-owned businesses still face growth hurdles, and women of color continue to experience declining promotion rates and large pay equity gaps.
The State of Women in Business event explores the data and digs even deeper with prominent speakers and local thought leaders.

AUGUST 21, 2025
Top 25 Most Powerful Women
The Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce’s annual Top 25 Most Powerful Women event honors powerful and impactful women in our Colorado community.
This award aims to inspire others by highlighting 25 women who have obtained career success, work to mentor, sponsor, and promote emerging leaders, and contribute to the community in meaningful ways.
In addition, we recognize the work of a past Top 25 Woman who has created lasting community impact through the Top 25 Legacy Award.

ATHENA Leadership Award Luncheon
For more than 25 years, the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce has presented the ATHENA Leadership Award in Denver. The ATHENA Leadership Model® was developed by ATHENA International through a grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation in 1982. Since the program’s inception, more than 7,000 awards have been presented in over 500 communities in eight countries.