Ready to Change Your DNA?

By:  Kim Kirmmse Toth, CWCC Member

You have heard a person say “It’s in my genes” or “It’s in my DNA” which basically means that it’s just the way it is so I can’t change it. “My parents, grandparents, great grandparents were all diabetic, or overweight or died of cancer. There is nothing I can do about it.”

Sorry to take that excuse away from you but from what I have been hearing and reading there actually are things we can do to basically change our DNA.

Your genes are not your destiny. You actually can do things to change them. Good nutrition, stress management techniques, exercise and having a good social support system can change your future health and leave you with the energy and means to focus on your career or business and your personal life.

Millions of you have a predisposition to certain diseases. These genes have been passed down for generations, but new research is demonstrating that there are things, proactive activities, which you can do to change your future more than you may have thought.

Here are some tips for what you can do to outsmart your DNA:

  • Eat a plant-based diet: vegetables, legumes, soy products and whole grains
  • Exercise moderately: walking 30 minutes per day, wear a pedometer so you know whether or not you are getting your 10,000 steps each day
  • Manage your stress: breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, guided imagery at least one time per day
  • Surround yourself with positive, supportive people

If you have a strong family history of diseases such as breast cancer, prostate cancer or heart disease you may need to make bigger changes in your lifestyle in order to help prevent or possible reverse these chronic diseases.

How does it feel to know that you have options for your own future and your own health? I know this isn’t the first time you have heard this concept, but I think it bears repeating again if for no other reason than to remind you that you have choices.  What you put in your mouth and how often you exercise has more of an effect on your life and your business success than you may want to hear.

It may be easier to just say, “It’s in my genes” and use that excuse for why you are overweight, have heart problems, are diabetic, whatever.  Then you don’t have to take any responsibility because you have chosen to believe your health, and its affect on other areas of your life like your business success, is out of your hands.

I hope you are not one of those people. I hope you have enough love for yourself that you are willing to do what it takes to have a stay in your future and to take care of yourself.

And guess what else? When you are fit, when you are healthy, when you have a positive go getter attitude, your business will flourish!

I suppose it comes back to the chicken and egg theory.  For centuries it has been debated about the topic of nature versus nurture.  It is now believed that nurture affects nature as nature affects nurture.

Action Step: What are you going to do beginning this week to take your health into your own hands, regardless of your DNA?  I’d love to hear about it!

© 2011 Kim Kirmmse Toth

Kim Kirmmse Toth, speaker-author.  “The Business Coach for Women After 50”

Kim is a gifted and intuitive coach who empowers women to embrace all life has to offer in their 3rd stage of life.  As a business coach and solo-entrepreneur she helps women build strong coaching businesses while maintaining a life of balance.  For more information about Kim’s services visit

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