Social Media Fuels The Denver Cupcake Truck Part 2 – How we built a following and fostered engagement

By Denon Moore, CWCC Member

In the early stages we were building the momentum to get that fan base to grow, with such a positive buzz we were growing at a rate of nearly 1,000 fans per month. Why? How could a silly little cupcake truck grow a fan base that large and that fast? We never SOLD the product to our fans; we invited them to be a part of the “family”. The Denver Cupcake Truck family, a group of individuals that loved the product, the concept, the success and most of all the idea of being the first to know about this fabulous Denver phenomenon.

As we write our posts each day, we don’t think about how to increase our sales or reach more people, we think about how to keep our current fans interested. We do this several ways; we involve them in trivia, always with a few prizes involved. We also keep their attention by asking them to give their input. While input sounds a little invasive, we keep it positive. We ask our fans to guess the “mystery” flavor for the day or shout out their flavor requests. This is one great way to please our fans but also a great way to conduct market research. What better way to keep customers happy then to take their input and turn it into results. Immediate or pretty quick gratification equals really captivated fans. Besides, who doesn’t feel appreciated when they’ve been heard?

We love to hear our customers and let them know we’ve heard them. For us, this is a fundamental growing tool for our fan base. With every post on Facebook and Twitter, we make it apparent that we are listening and grateful for all interactions we have on our pages. We’ve found it critical to interact with our fans, on a playful level.  Social media needs to feel social; it just cannot feel like a sales call. To keep those fans you work so hard to get requires layers of trust, not countless sales pitches. A customer will come back when they feel appreciated and feel a sense of worth. Our customers are a huge part of our growing success and we tell them that often.

As you think about the use of social media and how you can apply our lessons to your own use, I encourage you to consider these points:

  • Be real with your fans
  • Don’t sell, sell, sell
  • Create a trusting relationship with your fans, offer creative ideas or industry education
  • Don’t beg for fans, allow your fan base to grow naturally
  • Interact with your fans posts; demonstrate a two-sided conversation
  • Thank your fans for your successes and accomplishments

Social media can be time consuming but there is nothing better at the end of a hard day’s work then to see proof that all your hard work is making a lasting impression. To read a good review or see a post raving about something you did, will give you that well-deserved pat on the back.

Nestled in historic Park Hill, this bakers is always baking up new ideas from great party cakes to wholesome breakfast and lunch items.  Enjoy a quick bit at Cake Crumbs or use the free wi-fi for your business needs.  This neighborhood bakery is a great  find and one of Denver’s finest.  Follow Cake Crumbs Bakery  and The Denver Cupcake Truck.

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